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Keeping Clean: Hygienic Workouts

It goes without saying that exercise makes you sweat, and salsa is no different, especially on a hot day. Between the blood, sweat and tears you put into your fitness goals (ok - maybe not blood!), it's easy to let your personal hygiene slip you mind. The problem is, if you're prone to lapses in concentration in this area, it can have a knock on effect - and a study by FitRated showed that some gym goers aren't being hygienic. This is especially important at this time of year. Fall brings colder temperatures and with it, fall related sinus problems. Whether the rhinitis is allergic or not, the increase in colds, sniffles and more means there are simply more bacteria hanging around. It follows that you need to take steps to keep your environment clean, even if you don't use the equipment and are simply dancing.

Individual Responsibilities Individually, everyone has a responsibility. First and foremost, you need to stick to the tried and tested but often disregarded gym mantra - take a towel! Aside from being unpleasant to pick up a piece of equipment - including less bulky stuff, like decathlon training pieces - when it's got a sheen of the previous person's exertion on it, it's actually very unhygienic too. You may well opt to bring delicious and nutritious gym snacks with you to the gym, such as almonds, power-shakes and more, and they're an excellent way of getting nutrition on the go and maximizing the potential of your workout. Try and keep it clean, though - Protein powder splashed across the floor or food marks on equipment isn't the best.

Cleaning Schedules If your gym-goers have their personal situation under control, there is then a level of responsibility falling to the owner of the premises. Again, although at places like Salsa City you're less likely to be using bulky cardio machines or free weights, the moist and warm environment of a gym can build harmful bacteria in vents if the ventilation system isn't up to par, and definitely at home. Take the time to construct a proper schedule, whether you're home or at the gym, in which you do an in-depth clean of every element of your workout areas to make sure that you've destroyed any chance of harmful bacteria getting at you when you're shedding pounds or toning up.

Other Benefits

A little known fact is that keeping sweat cleaned off of surfaces and not letting it accumulate will prolong the lifetime of the object. Especially with lighter equipment; sweat degrades canvas rapidly, and that applies across all applications. Making sure your equipment is clean and disinfected, as it would be out of the store, ensures that you'll be able to keep your equipment going for longer, saving you money in the long run for the sake of a few paper towels. Keeping your workout area clean is incredibly important and as we've shown there are steps you can take individually and in a wider sense. If you're able to follow this simple plan to keep everything pristine and hygienic, it'll be a boon to your health, your well-being and your pocket as your equipment goes the mile.

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