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5 Weight loss drinks to try at home

Oh, happy summer days! Are you enjoying our Summer Shape Up Challenge? We are almost halfway through, and we thought y'all could use a little boost of encouragement.

Often we find ourselves in hungry situations without adequate meal prep/ handy snacks; sometimes, these pangs of hunger can actually be thirst. Especially on hotter days, it is super important to stay hydrated.

Best De-tox drinks for weight loss

Summer is full of outdoor fun; sometimes, this fun is filled with sugary temptations. Sugary drinks cause blood sugar levels to spike, a rush of energy followed by a dull crash.

Often drinks that advertise as "sugar-free" are actually full of sugar supplements which can hurt your weight loss efforts more than pure sugar. Artificial sugar can actually cause sugar cravings.

Cut the carbs and stop drinking empty calories from pop and energy drinks. Here are some healthy drinks you can sip at home or on the go to detox your body and promote weight loss.


The OG, H2O, is the best, purest form of rehydrating your body.

Energy supplements, sachets, and mixers apart; simply sipping on the water keeps your body healthy.

Benefits of water

Our bodies are, after all, made of about 60% water.

Water keeps our mood regulated, concentration levels up, and can reduce the frequency of headaches. It improves physical performance, regulates bowel movements, flushes out toxins, improves skin, nail, hair health, and aids in weight loss. Quite the miracle drink, huh!?

lemon detox for weight loss


Want to make drinking water more interesting? Try adding your fav herb, spice, or fruit to your bottle and refrigerate to infuse. Mint leaves, lemon slices, and frozen berries all make excellent add ons. Pepper and orange peels work great too.

For a #fancy drink, add water, fresh rinsed rose petals and rose water to an ice tray, freeze and add to your water.

Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink

If you signed up for our Summer Shape Up Challenge, you got access to our special Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink. Adding ACV to unsweetened sparkling water makes for a refreshing drink.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink

ACV helps improve bowel movements, can regulate insulin sensitivity, reduce heartburn, belly fat, bloating, can improve skin health, hair health, and assist in weight loss.


This drink is tangy, tasty, and super easy to make. Just add ACV to a glass of water and sip on it every morning. There are many ready-made options available for ACV drinks; if you prefer a store-bought option, make sure it does not contain sugar or sugar substitutes.

Nut Milk

Nuts are high in calories, right? Not really; almond milk only contains a small portion of almonds. Few non-dairy milk options such as Oat Milk can be quite a calorie-dense; however, pick wisely, and you will reap the benefits of non-dairy protein.

Benefits of Nut Milk

Quitting dairy can be super beneficial in boosting weight loss, helping clear skin, improve gut health and overall energy levels.

A single cup of whole dairy milk contains about 150 calories, while the same amount of unsweetened almond milk contains about 40 calories.

Some brands add sweeteners to their almond milk; always make sure to read ingredients while shopping for health foods.

Unsweetened almond milk can be a great substitute for dairy, especially for those who need to limit their daily carb consumption. Naturally low in sugar and high in dietary fiber, almond milk is also a good source of calcium and vitamin D.

pure almond milk


Use almond milk in oats, puddings, smoothies, and more.

Coconut Water

This underrated simple beverage is so good for you. Rehydrating while replenishing electrolytes, it's the perfect cooling summer sipper.

Benefits of Coconut Water

It works to replenish salts and minerals, helps the body absorb water, relax the gut, and reduce acid reflux. Ayurvedic scriptures (ancient Indian Medicine) recognize the cooling effects of coconut water on body heat caused by emotional/ mental stress or external factors like exertion and temperature. Coconut water helps cool the stomach, intestines and detoxify the liver.

Additionally, coconut water is a source of Vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, and antioxidants. Packed with benefits, this drink can help boost collagen production, improve skin texture, reduce hair loss, and promote weight loss.


At just 60-90 cal per drink, always opt for the unsweetened 100% natural coconut water versus any juice/ mix made from concentrate.

Veggie Shakes

Don't write this one off before you try it.

Smoothies, protein shakes, green juice aside, this is the real deal.

Veggie shakes can be a tasty, tangy, savory, fiber full cooler for a mid-day boost.

Benefits of Veggie Shakes

Made using 3-5 veggies, these cooling chuggers are the easiest way to get a glowing complexion.

Juicing veggies and chugging the juice without straining away the fiber means your body is quick to absorb all the nutritious goodness of veggies. Giving you better digestion, skin, hair, nails, decreasing cravings, and providing a quick boost of energy.

Make sure to drink fresh as veggies lose their vitality if you blend and store them for over 30 mins.

Summer means we have plenty of fresh produce available at the Local Troy farmers market on Cherry Street. Cherry Street Local

If you have been gardening, you can use fresh veggies and herbs from your backyard to make these delicious drinks.

A few humble veggies blended together with some salt, pepper, and ice make a superpower shake.

Belly fat burning smoothies


Here are some combinations to try

Cucumber, Mint, Tomato, Pink Salt

Beetroot, Carrot, Cucumber, Pepper

Cilantro, Cucumber, Spinach, Lemon Juice

If you're adventurous, add black salt or a dash of spice.

When you have plenty of options for healthy drinks to sip all summer long, you're less likely to reach for that pop.

Nutritional care is essential for improving health and strengthening muscles while reducing fat. If you need a little extra help, sign up for our 30-day nutritional coaching program.

What You Get

Reach your nutritional goals and feel and look your best! Our Nutrition coach will be utilizing measurements, leading weekly online food tracking assessments, implementing proven strategies, and more to keep you on track with your fitness goals.

We can all use encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and extra know-how and reminders to plan for success and see tangible results.

With SCTeamFIT, you will find all the support you need and more! Whether you want to lose weight, reduce inflammation, implement healthier, nutritive-rich foods into your family's diet, or want to feel and look better- this program is for you!

How it Works

Get inspired and Connected with personalized accountability and connection, weekly measurements, personalized goal planning, handouts, and more- all aimed at the same goal of achieving and maintaining a healthier lifestyle to help you feel like your best version of yourself! Learn strategies, meal prep ideas tried and trusted recipes, weekly weigh-ins and measurements in a private setting, and much more for tips to be proactive and successful! Join us today!

You can't out-train a bad diet!

At Salsa City, we love a good, fun, effective workout routine! But we know that we can crush our goals in the gym only to come home and find ourselves not fitting into that favorite outfit, struggling with feeling sluggish or maybe somewhat defeated in our health goals. It can leave us wondering what is behind all of this effort? If you have caught yourself feeling one or more of these ways, maybe it's time to shake things up in the kitchen!

We love all the science behind what builds our best bodies. If we can help you understand what goes on behind the scenes of all the amazing processes of what can help you look, feel, and be your best let us know!

We have quarterly challenges; weekly tips; new recipes being added regularly; one on one coaching sessions available; optional weigh-ins, measurements, before and after pics; and more! We have plenty available to you to equip you with all of the tools you will need to build a healthy, sustainable new lifestyle! Everything and more is included in our Premium Member package, but we have other options as well.

If we can help guide you through your options or you have questions- call or text us today at (937) 875-7082 or email Liza at:!

Sargam Merchant,

For Salsa City Fitness.

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